Car Park Waterproofing Systems

Car Park Waterproofing Systems are a premier provider of car park waterproofing solutions. We provide a full range of services including car park decks, refurbishment, underground car parks, concrete steps and walkways. As industry leaders in the application of mastic asphalt and innovative cold applied liquid systems, we are dedicated to enhancing the longevity and safety of car parks globally. For every projects we go the extra mile to find the perfect solution for our clients car park, to ensure they get the best value for money possible. Our company, headquartered in Dunmow, Essex, leverages high-quality systems sourced from Italy and Greece, to ensure top-tier car park waterproofing performance and durability in all conditions.

Car park waterproofing refers to the process of applying protective coatings and membranes to parking structures to prevent water ingress which can cause damage such as corrosion, concrete deterioration, and steel reinforcement rust. These waterproofing systems are applied to car park flooring, they're designed to create a barrier against moisture, chemicals, and mechanical stress. Car park waterproofing is designed to ensure the longevity and safety of the car park. Common waterproofing methods include; mastic asphalt, cold applied liquid membranes, and other specialised sealants tailored to withstand the traffic load and environmental conditions endured by car park decks.

Below we will introduce various aspects of car park waterproofing. We will start with a basic definition, then move on to the numerous benefits of car park waterproofing, this includes; increased safety, structural integrity, and cost savings. We will discuss different waterproofing systems, including liquid-applied membranes, masitic asphalt and cementitious waterproofing. Provide a step-by-step guide to waterproofing a car park and examine the costs associated with these projects. We then highlight key considerations to make when selecting a waterproofing contractor, including; experience, reputation, and the quality of materials used. Finally we outline the comprehensive range of car park waterproofing services we provide. This aim of this page is to help property managers and owners make informed decisions about car park waterproofing.

Table Of Contents


What Is Car Park Waterproofing?

Car park waterproofing is a process designed to protect parking structures from water damage, which can cause significant deterioration over time. This involves the application of waterproof membranes or coatings to the car park, including the car park ramps, intermediate decks, walls, and roofs. The main goal of waterproofing a car park is to prevent water infiltration which can lead to structural damage, corrosion of steel reinforcements, and degradation of concrete. Effective waterproofing extends the lifespan of the parking structure, enhances safety by providing slip resistance and maintains the aesthetic appearance of the building. The materials most often used to waterproof car parks include; liquid-applied waterproofing and mastic asphalt. The durability and effectiveness of car park waterproofing system is greatly enhanced by proper installation and regular maintenance.

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What Are The Benefits Of Car Park Waterproofing?

Car park waterproofing is vital to maintain the longevity and safety of parking structures. Effective waterproofing not only preserves the structural integrity of these facilities but also enhances safety, reduces maintenance costs, and improves their aesthetic appearance. Additionally, car park waterproofing prevents concrete degradation, ensuring the car park remains functional and in attractive condition for many years. Below are the benefits which will be covered in detail.

  1. Prolongs Structural Integrity
  2. Enhances Safety
  3. Increases Longevity
  4. Reduces Maintenance Costs
  5. Improves Aesthetic Appearance
  6. Prevents Concrete Degradation

1. Prolongs Structural Integrity

Structural integrity refers to the ability of a structure to withstand its intended load without experiencing failure, deformation, or collapse. Maintaining structural integrtiy ensures the safety and stability of a structure throughout its designed lifespan. Car park waterproofing prolongs structural activity by preventing water from infiltrating the underlying structure. Research by the International Concrete Repair Institute indicates water penetration can reduce the lifespan of reinforced concrete structures by up to 50%. Water can cause significant damage to the structural components of a car park, particularly the steel reinforcements within concrete. When steel is exposed to water, it can rust and expand, increasing its volume by approximately 2 to 4 times, which causes the concrete to crack and spall. This degradation can compromise the strength and stability of the entire structure, leading to costly repairs or even potential failures. According to the American Concrete Institute, water-related damage accounts for nearly 80% of all concrete deterioration issues. A study conducted by the Building Research Establishment found buildings with effective waterproofing systems experienced up to 75% fewer structural failures compared to those without such protections. With concrete decks often being used in car parks the ability of good waterproofing to prolong structural integrity is emphasised.

2. Enhances Safety

Waterproofing enhances safety by reducing slip hazards caused by water pooling on surfaces. According to a study by the National Safety Council, slip and fall accidents account for over 20% of all workplace injuries. A number of these injuries occur in car parks. In car parks, with a large amount of vehicle and pedestrian traffic, accumulated water can create dangerous, slippery conditions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports slip hazards increase by 30% during rainy conditions. Additionally, in colder climates, standing water can freeze and form ice patches which pose significant risks to health and safety. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) notes icy surfaces contribute to approximately 76,000 vehicle accidents annually. Effective waterproofing efficiently drains water away. This effective drainage keeps car park flooring dry and safe for both drivers and pedestrians,  reducing the probability of injury. A report by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found waterproofed surfaces reduce slip incidents by up to 50% compared to non-waterproofed surfaces. This highlights the importance of quality waterproofing for car parks.

3. Increases Longevity

Car parks which are waterproofed benefit from significantly longer lifespans. A study by the Portland Cement Association found waterproofing can extend the lifespan of concrete structures by up to 100%. Water penetration can lead to a car park having a variety of issues including; corrosion, spalling, and general wear and tear. All of these issues reduce the lifespan of the car park. Research from the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) indicates corrosion due to water infiltration can reduce the lifespan of a structure by up to 40%. Waterproofing provides a barrier between the car park deck and the underlying structure. This barrier prevents issues with corrosion which consequently benefits the structures longevity. According to a report by the European Federation of Concrete Associations (EFCA), waterproofed concrete structures require 30% less frequent repairs compared to non-waterproofed structures. This shows how waterproofing can not only increase the longevity of the car park but also reduce maintenance costs over the structures service life.

4. Reduces Maintenance Costs

Waterproofing a car park reduces the amount of maintenance required over the structures service life. A study by the Concrete Society, states waterproofed structures experience 60% fewer maintenance issues compared to non-waterproofed structures. Water damage can cause a host of issues which will require repairs to be carried out. Typical car park repairs include; sealing cracks in parking decks, addressing corrosion and resurfacing degraded concrete. The National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) reports corrosion repair costs can be up to 25% of the total maintenance budget for concrete structures. Waterproofing minimises these problems, by preventing water infiltration. This leads to fewer maintenance works which in turn will lower the associated maintenance costs. A report by the International Parking Institute found waterproofing can reduce annual maintenance costs by up to 40%. This highlights the significant financial benefit received from car park waterproofing for both owners and operators. Good waterproofing will keep parking facilities operational, minimise downtime and reduce maintenance costs.

5. Enhances Aesthetic Appearance

A well-maintained car park with effective waterproofing looks more attractive. A study by the Building Research Establishment found waterproofed car parks have 70% fewer visible stains and efflorescence (a white, powdery deposit on concrete) compared to non-waterproofed car parks. Water stains, mould, mildew, and efflorescence can make a car park look neglected and unattractive. The National Association of Building Sciences reports mould and mildew growth can be reduced by up to 80% with proper waterproofing measures. Waterproofing helps to prevent these issues by preventing water from penetrating the structure and causing unsightly damage. An attractive car park elevates the overall user experience and can be crucial for commercial properties where the appearance directly impacts customer satisfaction. According to a survey by the International Council of Shopping Centers, 65% of customers are more likely to visit well-maintained facilities, including car parks. By waterproofing a car park with an aesthetically pleasing system, the user experience and value of the building can be increased.

6. Prevents Concrete Degradation

Concrete degradation is the process by which concrete deteriorates due to environmental factors, chemical reactions, and physical stresses, leading to a reduction in its strength, durability, and overall structural integrity. Concrete degradation is a frequent problem in car parks exposed to water. A study by the American Concrete Institute found water infiltration can lead to a 30% increase in concrete spalling and cracking over a five year period. When water penetrates concrete, it can cause deterioration. The deterioration is caused through processes such as freeze-thaw cycles, alkali-silica reaction, and sulphate attack. Research by the National Research Council of Canada suggests freeze-thaw cycles can reduce concrete strength by up to 25%. This can lead to cracking, spalling, and weakening of the concrete structure. Applying a waterproofing membrane to a car park creates a protective barrier which prevents water from reaching the concrete. This preserves the strength and durability of the concrete. According to the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, concrete structures with waterproofing display a 50% reduction in spalling and cracking in comparison to those with no waterproofing. Car park waterproofing prevents concrete degradation, which enhances the structural performance and lifespan of the car park structure.

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What Are Car Park Waterproofing Systems?

Car park waterproofing systems are specialised materials which are designed to prevent water infiltration into parking structures. These systems normally include; waterproof membranes, sealants, coatings, drainage solutions and line marking for parking bays. These deck systems are used to protect the concrete and steel components of a car park from water damage, corrosion, and deterioration. The reasons car park waterproofing systems are used to provide this protection is to enhance the durability, safety, and longevity of the parking facility.

Car park waterproofing systems are vital for maintaining the structural integrity and safety of parking facilities. Car park deck waterproofing systems often used include; liquid-applied membranes and mastic asphalt. Waterproofing systems also include drainage solutions which make sure water is efficiently moved away from important areas. All of these waterproofing systems can significantly increase the lifespan of a parking structure by reducing the probability of issues such as concrete degradation. Waterproofing also reduces many maintenance issues. By preventing problems such as spalling, cracking, and corrosion, maintenance costs are significantly reduced. Investing in waterproofing not only protects the physical structure of the car park but also improves safety and aesthetic appeal.

What Are The Different Types Of Car Park Waterproofing Systems?

The different types of car park waterproofing systems are liquid-applied membranes, mastic asphalt and cementitious waterproofing. There are some other systems used but these four car park waterproofing systems are used for the majority of car parks in the UK. These methods are favoured for their durability and proven performance of preventing water infiltration. Below we will look at each of these car park systems in more detail.

  1. Liquid-Applied Membranes
  2. Mastic Asphalt
  3. Cementitious Waterproofing

1. Liquid-Applied Membranes

Liquid-applied membranes are cost effective, durable and versatile type of car park waterproofing system. These waterproof membranes are applied in a liquid state. The majority of these liquid systems are cold applied, this means no hot works are required. The liquid nature of these membranes allow for a seamless and fully adhered barrier when cured. According to a study by the American Concrete Institute, liquid-applied membranes are capable of extending the lifespan of concrete structures by up to 50%. Liquid systems can be used on various surfaces, including; concrete, metal, and wood.

Polyurethane coatings, a type of liquid-applied membrane, are known for being highly elastic and able to accommodate structural movement. This is highlighted by research from the National Roofing Contractors Association shows polyurethane coatings have an elongation rate of up to 600%. Another liquid applied membrane is polyurea which is renowned for having exceptional durability and resistance to environmental factors. Studies published in the Journal of Protective Coatings & Linings indicate polyurea coatings keep their integrity and flexibility even after prolonged exposure to UV radiation and harsh weather conditions. Under this exposure polyurea coatings keep over 95% of their initial tensile strength. Further research from the International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, shows polyurea waterproofing provides superior abrasion resistance and chemical stability. This makes polyurea coatings ideal for protecting car park surfaces against wear and tear, oil spills, and other common contaminants. These properties ensure car park structures with polyurea remain protected and functional for extended periods. This long lasting performances significantly reducing maintenance costs and enhancing safety. Both polyurea and polyurethane have excellent crack bridging capabilities.

All cold applied liquid membranes offer minimal disruption during application, a seamless durable finish, excellent capability to manage complex details and a cost effective price point. For these reasons cold applied liquid membranes have massively grown in popularity, making them the system of choice for new build car parks, interior decks, repairs and car park refurbishment projects.

2. Mastic Asphalt

Mastic asphalt is a durable, highly effective and time-tested car park waterproofing system. Mastic asphalt is a type of asphalt which contains a high proportion of bitumen, this gives it excellent waterproofing properties. Mastic asphalt requires skilled labour, it is normally applied as a hot molten liquid and is finished with a non slip surface. When cooled mastic asphalt creates a seamless, hard-wearing surface often favoured for rooftop car parks. A study by the Asphalt Institute found mastic asphalt provides a waterproofing effectiveness of up to 99.9%. Mastic asphalt is known for its longevity and resistance to mechanical damage, making it suitable for areas constantly exposed to the demands of heavy traffic such as loading bays and busy car park decks. According to a report by the Building Research Establishment, mastic asphalt can last up to 50 years with minimal maintenance, making it a cost-effective solution for long-term waterproofing. Additionally, the National Asphalt Pavement Association notes mastic asphalt surfaces can withstand loads of up to 20,000 pounds per square inch (137,895 kilopascals), demonstrating its robustness and suitability for high-stress environments like car parks. All of these benefits especially, durability and longevity, lead to mastic asphalt being a leading choice for car park waterproofing and desk systems despite the high initial cost.

3. Cementitious Waterproofing

Cementitious waterproofing involves the application of a cement-based waterproof coating to car park surfaces. Cementitious waterproofing is easy to apply and has excellent compatibility with concrete substrates. According to the International Concrete Repair Institute, cementitious coatings can reduce water permeability in concrete by up to 90%. Cementitious coatings are mixed on-site and applied using brushes, rollers, or spray equipment. Cementitious coatings form a rigid, durable barrier which is highly resistant to water ingress, de-icing salts and attack from harsh chemicals. Research by the Portland Cement Association found cementitious coatings can withstand pH levels ranging from 3 to 11. This makes cementitious coatings highly resistant to a variety of chemical exposures.

Cementitious waterproofing is particularly effective in protecting against moisture penetration. Studies from the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) found a 50% reduction in moisture ingress when cementitious coatings are applied. Cementitious coatings are often combined with other waterproofing systems to enhance overall performance. The ability of cementitious coatings to bond with a concrete substrate makes it a reliable choice for car park waterproofing. The reason for this is cementitious coatings ensure a seamless integration with the existing concrete structure.

These three systems cover the most common types of waterproofing for car parks. The reason these three systems lead the way is due to their proven effectiveness and adaptability to meet the demands of the modern car park. While there are other waterproofing solutions available, these remain the top choices for ensuring long-lasting protection against water damage. At Car Park Waterproofing Systems we offer a comprehensive range of waterproofing products for each of these methods and should you need help to find the right solution for your project, you can get in touch using our contact form, one of our friendly team would be delighted to help.

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How Do You Waterproof A Car Park?

Waterproofing a car park is essential to protect the structure from water damage, extend its lifespan, and ensure the safety of its users. Below we detail how to waterproof a car park, using two of the most effective methods: cold-applied liquid waterproofing and mastic asphalt. We give a step-by-step guide explanation of both methods to help you better understand the process of car park waterproofing.

Waterproofing Car Parks With A Liquid Applied Membrane

Cold-applied liquid membnanes offer a versatile and effective solution for car park waterproofing. Liquid membranes offer a seamless and versatile waterproofing barried which can be applied in various weather conditions. Below is a detailed guide on the steps involved in waterproofing a car park with cold-applied liquid membranes.

In this guide, we will be using DUROGLASS FU RAPID for priming, STARFLEX HR as the waterproofing membrane, and POLISTAR E/P or POLISTAR E/2 for the top coat.

  1. Surface Preparation
  2. Priming
  3. Membrane Application
  4. Additional Layers and Detailing
  5. Inspection and Repairs
  6. Protective Top Coat (Optional)
  7. Regular Maintenance

1. Surface Preparation

2. Priming

3. Membrane Application

4. Additional Layers and Detailing

5. Inspection and Repairs

6. Protective Top Coat (Optional)

7. Regular Maintenance

Cold-applied liquid membranes are popular for car park waterproofing due to their ease of application, effectiveness, and adaptability to different weather conditions. Liquid membranes create a seamless barrier against water ingress, protecting the structure from damage and corrosion.

Waterproofing Car Parks With Mastic Asphalt

Mastic asphalt is a highly durable and effective waterproofing material, ideal for car parks exposed to heavy traffic and varying weather conditions. Its robust nature and seamless application make it a preferred choice for creating a long-lasting, watertight barrier. Below is a detailed guide on the steps involved in waterproofing a car park with mastic asphalt.

For this example, we are waterproofing an uninsulated roof top parking deck of a multi-storey car park.

  1. Surface Preparation
  2. Priming
  3. Laying the Glass Fibre Tissue Separating Membrane
  4. Applying Roofing Grade Mastic Asphalt
  5. Applying Paving Grade Mastic Asphalt
  6. Skid Resistance
  7. Detailing
  8. Cooling and Setting
  9. Protective Top Coat (Optional)
  10. Quality Inspection
  11. Regular Maintenance

1. Surface Preparation

2. Priming

3. Laying the Fibreglass Tissue Separating Membrane

4. Applying Roofing Grade Mastic Asphalt

5. Applying Paving Grade Mastic Asphalt

6. Skid Resistance

7. Detailing

8. Cooling and Setting

9. Quality Inspection

10. Applying A Protective Finish (Optional)

11. Maintenance

This process ensures a car park is effectively waterproofed with mastic asphalt. Mastic asphalt is a highly durable and long-lasting car park waterproofing solution. The total thickness of rooftop car park decks is normally 40mm, while loading bays typically require a thickness of 45-50mm due to the higher demands on the surface. Mastic asphalt is especially favoured for its robust nature and ability to form a seamless, watertight layer which is ideal for car park decks exposed to heavy demands.


How Much Does Car Park Waterproofing Cost?

The cost of car park waterproofing is between £40.00 and £180.00 per square metre in most cases. However, this varies depending on the type of system used. The table below provides an overview of the estimated costs for three common waterproofing systems, expressed in pounds per square meter (£ per SQM). These estimates can help you plan your budget based on the specific needs and requirements of your car park project.

Car Park Waterproofing System Cost per Square Metre (£ GBP)
Liquid Applied Membranes £48 to £60
Mastic Asphalt £160 to £180
Cementitious Waterproofing £40 to £55

*These estimates are general and actual costs can vary based on specific project requirements, location, and market conditions.

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